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美国的风土人情(美国风土人情 72)


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Starting today,your next trip to the grocery store could look a little different. Major chains including Kroger, Sam’s Club, and Walmart will require employees to wear face masks.
从今天开始,您下次去杂货店的行程可能会有些不同。包括克罗格,山姆俱乐部和沃尔玛在内的主要连锁店都将要求员工佩戴口罩。 Some Kroger locations will implement temperature checks for workers, some areas even suggesting limits on when you can shop. In Maryland,the Calvert County Health Department proposes shoppers limit their trips to a certain day based on where their last name falls in the alphabet, a possible solution for chronic overcrowding. In parts of the country, some shelves are already looking bare. Experts worry about panic buying, likening it to the rush on toilet paper.某些地区的克罗格店将对工人进行体温测试,有些地区甚至建议限制何时购物。在马里兰州,卡尔弗特郡卫生部建议购物者根据姓氏的字母排序来将购物限制在某一天,这可能是解决长期拥挤的可能方式。在本国部分地区,一些架子已经显得光秃秃了。专家担心恐慌性购买,就像抢购厕纸一样。
I think in the meat and poultry section, and even in the food products section of the grocery store, they will have limits on them.我认为在肉类和家禽类部,甚至杂货店的食品部中,它们都会施加限制。
Now with a number of meat processing plants going dark as COVID-19 spreads among employees, there is new concern about the food supply.现在,随着COVID-19在员工中的传播,许多肉类加工厂关门,人们对食品供应有了新的担忧。 In Sioux Falls, South Dakota this shuttered Smithfield Foods plant is linked to more than 800 COVID-19 cases, making it one of the nation’s biggest coronavirus hot spots.在南达科他州苏福尔斯,这家关闭的史密斯菲尔德食品加工厂与800多个COVID-19病例有关联,成为美国最大的冠状病毒热点之一。
The CDC is expected to release a report in the coming days on the when and how the plant can safely reopen.预计疾病预防控制中心将在未来几天发布有关何时以及如何安全地重新开放工厂的报告。 We’ll need to get that plant up and online as soon as possible.我们需要尽快使该工厂重新上线生产。
In Camilla, Georgia, this Tyson Foods poultry plant closed for two days of cleaning after four employees died from COVID-19, among them 55-year-old Annie Grant.  Her son, Willie Martin, just buried his mother over the weekend.在佐治亚州卡米拉,这家泰森食品的家禽厂因清洁工作关闭了两天,此前有四名员工死于COVID-19,其中包括55岁的安妮·格兰特。她的儿子威利·马丁刚刚在周末埋葬了母亲。
She said, “Baby, uh, they′re telling us if we don’t come, we don’t get paid, or we risk getting fired.” And she had to go, you know.
她说:“宝贝,呃,他们告诉我们如果我们不来,我们就没有报酬,或者有被解雇的危险。”她必须去,你知道的。 Tyson foods tells NBC News it has relaxed its attendance policy and install dividers between workers. With nearly a dozen plants across the country closing their doors or slowing productivity, the National Grocers Association warned some products may be temporarily out of stock until the supply chain catches up, urging shoppers to only buy what they need for a week to two week period.泰森食品告诉NBC新闻,它已经放松了出勤政策,并在工人之间安装了分隔帘子。美国全国杂货商协会警告说,由于全国各地有近十二家工厂关门或降低生产率,某些产品可能暂时缺货,直到供应链赶上来为止,并敦促购物者只购买一周至两周所需的产品。
Experts are not calling it a shortage, but…专家们并不称其为短缺,而是… It could be that you won’t find your first choice, but there will be something there that allows for you to feed your family.可能你找不到第一选择,但是那里会有一些东西可以让你让家人有吃的。
Blayne, let’s go back to his meat plants for just a second. With so many of those workers testing positive, are people worried that the meat, the meat itself, could be unsafe?布蕾恩,让我们再看看肉类加工厂的情况。如此众多的工人测试呈阳性,人们是否担心肉(肉本身)可能不安全?
No, there’s no concern about that. Hoda, all of the experts that I’ve spoken to say that there’s no concern about the meat itself, that it’s safe to eat, and the USDA says that it’s not aware of any evidenc suggesting that COVID-19 can be transmitted either by the meat or its packaging.不,不用担心。霍达,和我交谈过的所有专家都说,不用担心肉类本身,这些人可以安全食用。美国农业部说,它还没有发现任何证据表明,COVID-19可以通过肉类或其包装传播。凡连续三天在微信群或者本人朋友圈(不设限)转发本公众号内容者,我们将赠送 25份带文本的初级听力培训MP3文件。请找各微信群班长或管理员领取。

